7/29/2004 06:13:00 PM |
[ siempre el drama ]
aieee, i haven't written in so long. here are my links though. the underground history of american education is banging my brain like a gong:
He drew... the things inside that needed saying. Beautiful
pictures he kept under his pillow.
When he started school he brought them...
To have along like a friend.
It was funny about school, he sat at a square brown desk Like
all the other square brown desks... and his room Was a square
brown room like all the other rooms, tight And close and stiff.
He hated to hold the pencil and chalk, his arms stiff
His feet flat on the floor, stiff, the teacher watching
And watching. She told him to wear a tie like
All the other boys, he said he didn't like them.
She said it didn't matter what he liked. After that the class
He drew all yellow. It was the way he felt about Morning. The
Teacher came and smiled, "What's this?
Why don't you draw something like Ken's drawing?"
After that his mother bought him a tie, and he always Drew
airplanes and rocketships like everyone else.
He was square inside and brown and his hands were stiff. The
things inside that needed saying didn't need it
Anymore, they had stopped pushing... crushed, stiff
Like everything else.
7/21/2004 02:27:00 AM |
[ imadjinn ]
when the sand falls through my hands and warms my moonlit feet i'll know the time is ripe.
when the breeze blows through my hair and cools my smiling face i'll know that you are near.
and when the swirling stops and everything is still,
i will laugh at the top of my lungs and dream until it hurts.
7/16/2004 09:36:00 PM |
[ don't panic ]
i've been tongue-tied lately. time comes out in spurts and leaves me empty. i remember all the things i'm supposed to forget and forget all the things i'm supposed to remember. like everything douglas adams taught me. but the interview i heard with him brought it all back. everything he says just makes me smile. it's so fascinating and in tune with the absurd. so much part of the solution to boredom and seriousness.
and the stars are beautiful!
7/10/2004 03:34:00 PM |
[ i love you honey, but i just can't make you laugh ]
waah, i got your eeevol gift. it inspires me to play greenday at full volume and dance without pants. so...so... unless you want to continue the maddness... aw, who am i kidding? thanks for the sugar, sugar! :) |
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