infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
8/27/2004 04:16:00 PM
 [ my days are filled with dreams ]

lotuses line so many things,
painting shores with sorrow

but to swim with them-
there's grace to lift a thousand hearts
and love to lift ten-thousand more

floating forever atop
the rippling absurd

i feel so helpless. all i want to do... all i could possibly do is hold you in my arms. but i can't. i know that you'll get through it. i know you'll say the right things. i just wish i could be there.
8/18/2004 09:24:00 PM
 [ I need more grace than I thought ]

if you've never tasted
the sound of right
or seen
the smell of wrong
you may be in for a treat

for tomorrow the facts will fax
their bony arms to timbuktu
and the lies will lie
with the most anonymous celebrities

the politicos will dance in the streets
proclaiming, one and all, how gay they are
and the school-kids will teach their teachers

every person you meet will be listening intently
to your most interiour monologues
and cheering your most subconscious struggles
8/15/2004 11:18:00 PM
 [ c'est magnifique ]

feverish floods fill fossilized fissures
figuring further flooding facilitates
fascinating funkiness.

*grin* did you know... sayonara literally means "if it must be." i love stuff like that! the same reason i say adios because it's "go by god" or merci because it's "mercy" or namaste because it's "may the peace in me meet the peace in you." the way things overlooked as commonplace become so fresh and wild in the wisps and waves of my own mind. *sigh*
8/11/2004 01:25:00 AM
 [ wreckless driving ]

for a moment today, after my new license and before my left-over szechuan, i figured out what i would say to the world. and i shouted it out to a lady putting on make-up at 70 miles an hour and a dull-eyed trucker with his mind on the tip of his lips. i told them all how it was and how it would be and how that meant nothing, sweet nothing at all.

... i need more time though.
8/07/2004 02:46:00 AM
 [ saint chocolate ]

yum. my last night in the 'ho. watched the first half of scarface then decided to walk in the rain with people i'll prolly never see again. we went to a coffeehouse and played checkers while drinking hot chocolate, humming along to an unknown joplin, laughing and lamenting how little i know them all. adios kiddos.
8/01/2004 02:13:00 PM
 [ explodiplomacy ]

oy. i accidentally destroyed $1300 worth of equipment today. *sigh* not cool. the strange thing is that my boss isn't even mad at me, knowing i knew not what i did. and the grad student i was helping says, "in some jobs, people die when they make mistakes. it could be worse." aiya... just gotta whistle through the trees and hit the ground running.
infinitegoof at gmail doto coms
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