10/27/2004 10:44:00 AM |
[ i hear every little thing you say ... and i agree completely ]
i keep thinking about the bdb concert and the one thing that keeps popping up is that i must remember it. i can't, absolutely can't forget. if i do, i'll be right back where i was. it was just so much wacky wonder and good-hearted guitar-playing. it was everything good in the world without ignoring the bad. and there was nothing of the quiet desperation of school work. there was only the coughy-chain-smoking-laughter of realizing what's important. -- plus they rocked out!
and you have to have to have to remember that in everything there's that spirit of things. you have to break the cycle of problem set after painful problem set and find that little bit of ... what's fooly-cooly. but it's not progress per se. it's just change. and trying to change the way you think and feel so you can save the world and save your (in)sanity along with it! to say ooooh-oooh-oooh-ooh-ooh as if everybody knew what you were talking about. yeah. everybody knew exactly what you were talking about. |
10/20/2004 02:21:00 AM |
[ sweet jesus ]
so somehow I happened upon Kahlil Gibran's Jesus: Son of Man...
It rocks my worries off. It's this collection of ... um ... perspectives from these supposed contemporaries of ze fisher of men. and it's amaaaazing.
The Poet who makes poets of us all. The spirit who knocks at our door that we may wake and rise and walk out to meet the truth naked and unencumbered.
I don't know if it's just Gibran or what, but that version of Christiansanity seems much closer to the truth than anything else I've ever read about religion. It doesn't really make any claim to historical truth, but only the mythological truth - whatever seems accurate, whatever has the right rhythm. |
10/01/2004 01:09:00 PM |
[ i say tomato you say gazpacho ]
oh, sweet mellowdiousness. i need to go see the motorcycle diaries this weekend, among other things. and write like i've never written before. in preparation for Senyor Collins coming next weekend. :)! *gets hopes up*
 ooh, here's something i thought was pretty interesting (Beyond Money)  |
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