[ hiding, go seek ]
aiya! it's done it's done it's done. school is no more. the freckles of freedom are dancing in the streets. and i've got this tickly feeling, not of ending, but of starting. starting something that'll save the world. even though i know only vaguely what it means- to save the world, that is. to truly save the world is to infuse it so much with life, to inject it so much with vitality that... that... (yummm, mer's chocolate chip cookies)... that grades, castes, punishments, racism, prison, principals, ceo's, corporate ladders, elitism, war, race-to-publish science, the first commandment, materialism, and the macarena all disappear. whatever happens, happens... yes. but we have such a huge hand in what happens that breaking out of the violent cycle of history, evolving out of it, is not out of reach. and yes! the macarena is part of that violent cycle! heeeee.
plus... i'm terribly in love. :) and love and life are so terribly full of wondering and wandering that i just gotta do the things i do and try to be better all the time. |