7/30/2005 05:38:00 PM |
[ that is to say ]
where the curb meets the street and the weeds are growing
right behind the stop sign and in front of the ant hill
to the left of the mailbox but the right of the pine tree
no, no, the other pine tree yeah, right there
that's where love comes from and inspiration and magic and music
and if you can sit there and tune out the traffic and the whiny passersby
then-- what? yeah, it's 'passersby'
then you can-- no, sorry, I don't know how to get to West 42nd, ma'am.
then you... maybe... somehow-- honk, vroom, "Go Cougars!", skid, vroom
somehowyoucanfindyourvoiceandeverythingyouwanttosay! |
7/26/2005 12:01:00 AM |
[ the natural progression of tings ]
Sometimes things are just... opportune when you're in a peculiar mood. I was biking to the library this morning, tourists buzzing their busy-ness all along the bikepath, getting frustrated as all hell with the buzzing and my work and my advisor and roomies and the whole misunderstoodness of it all, when this nut comes out of nowhere and hits me smack in the forehead. As if to say, "lighten up, kiddo. no use crying over spilt milk and the ilk." Which was... you know... exactly what I needed to hear.
... if only the bruise wasn't so big. |
7/10/2005 04:53:00 PM |
[ what are we listening to ]
*sigh* What to do, Ian, what to do with this life of yours?
When I step back and look at it all I think Camus mighta been a bit off base. Revolt, Freedom, Passion... yeah. But zee passion- she comes mighty close to desperation. You need a very specific kinda passion. One that doesn't take things toooo seriously I think. A quiet passion. A funny, funky, bumbly-humble passion... with passion fruit and mangoes *air-guitar* and kiwis and bao-zi and self-confidenz and adventure everywhere and stories like nobusy's bodiness. I wanna see, outside of myself, the attitude dance-sparking deep in mi corazo'n. The attitude that ... transcends any need to distinguish between simulation and reality, the attitude that wears every myth like the emperor's new clothes and goes skinny-dipping daily. The attitude that is so far beyond problem-sets the problem-sets couldn't see it even with that new over-whelmingly large smelloscope... which does look pretty cool, by the way. The drive-time attitude! Playfully aware instead of painfully aware. Where the agenbite of inwit, the weltschmertz is like ... a hurricane, an adventure extraordinare. |
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