infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
3/21/2006 09:49:00 PM
[ a public service announcement ]

My comp-sci professor (who is the smartest, most quirky lady-with-a-bhindi I've ever met) says there are three levels of understanding: what you get when you see something, what you get when you do something/play with it, and what you get when you explain it. And for lots of things level 2 is plenty plenty, you can still be super-smart-hot-shit (she doesn't actually say that, sadly). When it comes down to it, though, it's hard to get anywhere if you can't explain. And, I guess, the realization is that it's this way with more that just school. Explaining myself... yeah, actually... is the point of this blogoblog.

Despite all my ranting and mythical-mumbo-jumbo and selfish rambling and weird-wording... I'm just trying, or should be trying, to get myself and whatever somethings, secrets, stories I think are meaningful... across.

I guess, what I'm saying is that I want to write more for you - known and un, stumbling or intent - you, dear reader. I want to write less super-dumb-bull-shit. I want to explain things, to tell you some somethings, some secrets, some stories. And I want you - known and un - to grin or scowl or empathize or whatever! to feel! because you can grasp my meaning and see where I'm coming from. And, I guess, I hope it'll help me see where I'm going.

So! From now on... this is for you, internet, you strange, slightly awkward way of connecting people... all poems will be accompanied by small explanations!... rants will not digress into incomprehensible gibberish!... things will be less cryptic!... and all will be right to write... yeah.
3/07/2006 12:27:00 AM
[ pruner of pinnas, lopper of lobes ]

The things van Gogh told me:

Be yourself... and more,
(head) swimming in a sea of personali-tea.
No one sees and seethes like you.
So. Be loud, loud, louder...!
Bubble over, boil forth, rage, react, reveal.

Cut off your ear if you have to!
um... maybe not literally...
but figuratively, hell yeah.
Be as alive as the city.
Don't sleep. Not while you're awake.
infinitegoof at gmail doto coms
stumblin blogo delicious lab
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