infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
5/20/2003 11:49:00 PM
*cracks up* life is very strange. so i'm trying to read some stuff about buddhism. luckly la bibliotecta has a well-coded searchamabob. however, we are often met with unexpected dilemmas. like this... "Sorry, could not find anything matching The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life." bummer. especially since i've heard so much about thich nhat hanh? hrm, it's not a good sign that richard greer and the dalai lama are the first two buddhists that come to mind (excl the original of course). and no my search for enlightenment was not a joke. and no i'm not becoming a buddhist. and no i... well... okay, maybe i'll shave my head :) but that's where my newfound religious fundamentalism stops!! ... er... that and the eerie urge to walk into crowded southern baptist churches and yell "free tibet" at the top of my lungs.

aie, i'm remarkably coherent right now. i should do something remarkable before... i had the wackiest dream. i was on a boat and someone told me to go get 'insert name of pettype thing.' so i walked around the dock and there was this bull with glowing red eyes. i ran like there was a demon bull after me..uh...yeah. then i turned around and it was just a dog happily wagging it's tail. that's about the time i decided to jump in the ocean and swim for madagascar. anywho, aw crap, i think i just lost my coherency. hehe, it's funny that decoherence is the name for observation of a quantum state. as if everything is perfectly clear, then suddenly someone decides to look at you and decoherency ensues. blah. hehe, i dunno. i wish... i wish... i knew what to do. other than babble about quantum physics... because as interesting as it is... schrodeingerabaherrer *cough*...his cat... samsara. hehe, gotta practice pronking. why oh why...
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