infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
5/10/2003 10:34:00 PM
feels like i'm on fire. and i'm definitely back where i started... but with more willpower. hehe, i'm going to try to figure out how noise cancellation works. and then i'm going to try to figure out how radio control works. and then i'm going to build a radio-controlled hovering sound-cancellation jellyfish-bot? hopefully i can hang on to this small amount of gumption which has apparently come from mowing the lawn. yay, for serotonin!

i still have to consciouslly remind myself that "it's all okay," but i'm getting there. houston is a lot more brown than atlanta. atlanta summer is overwhelmingly green. it's like we're living inside some giant greehouse, up to our chins in green matter, wading in dew drenched grass, draped in thickets of lawless leaves.

haircut city ever since
blossoms and blood
began making the bed

but with a cup of reason
and a pinch of love
sunshine through open windows
will always dry our tears

breaking down the walls
and building temples-
for quiet songs

noooo, grr. crazy words. i'm just a sunset soapbox poet. and then (and i deserve it) people take some soap out of the box and wash my mouth out with it. tastes sorta like boca burgers surprisingly. darn you, food acting like it's not what it is! why can't soy beans just be soy beans? probably because they're genetically engineered. why can't genetic engineers be satisfied with normal soybeans? probably because they have allergies. why don't they cure their allergies? probably because... uh... it's too late for you, question-boy! sleep now.
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