hehe, i'm hypnotized by this song. built to spill - distopian dream girl. mhm. i think i'm an artist at heart. i should be scribbling a song on the back of a napkin outside of a waffle house under the harsh glow of halogen lights and the gulping down lungfuls of opressive humidity, but instead i'm sitting behind a desk typing away, dragged around by muad'ib here when i should be the one 'pointing the way.' no wonder.
i applied to a bread factory today! yup. that would be sooo cool. well, maybe. at least i could come up with some rockin' puns for when people ask me 'what i do'... no you can't ask for examples!... well, "i get baked"? or maybe just the enigmatic "pumpernickel"? whatever. obnoxious frog. |