infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
6/03/2003 11:37:00 PM
 [ baha'u'lla boofhead ]
yesh, i should write a essay about how titles improve the overall quality of life. they're like leaves on the sand. so this minister lady from church who's really nice and talks really well came over for dinner. she's moving to a different church. but i always like listening to her. she's remarkably peaceful, in a feather-tickled sense. she tells great stories and i'm always infinitely entertained trying to think of what she'll say next to very subtley try to adjust someone's thinking so that it too is more peaceful. my church is sorta cool, though. i don't particularly like going, i just like the ideas. unlike (i think) lots of other churches they know that church is just a community, not the end all be all spiritual part of life... hehe, that's enough of that... after burning my hands thoroughly at the lab today and sniffing wonderful amounts of chlorine gas i was waiting outside to be picked up (for some reason i'm being picked up and dropped off even though i'd rather bus or bike or... anything). i started by just looking at people's faces as they walked by. imagining what they did all day, what made them smile, where they were going. but of course such pondering cannot be allowed so they stopped coming. refusing to let my mind do it's usual waltz into the bogs of science, i started staring at this leaf. about five minutes later i realized how much i had in common with the leaf. which sent me into a fit of smiles and hums and stomach growlings... 'we're both moved by the wind,' 'we're both unmoved by the wind,' 'we've both made beautiful things,' 'we're both made by beautiful things,' 'we're both on our way to make more beautiful things'... that was just the more romantic of the questions, but sometime around yet another occurrence of the word 'things' someone started honking at me. it took me a while to realize that i was supposed to go somewhere... i think i'm slowly starting to actually behave according to the idea that there's no reason to have negative emotions. there really is absolutely no reason to feel bad about anything... unfortunately, that raises the question of whether there's reason to feel good about anything either... the real answer might well be no, not anymore reason than to feel bad. but positive emotions are so much clearer. and even though you can dive in murky waters. it's more fun when you can see everything, sharks in all... i'm quite random, aren't i. hehe.
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