infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
8/07/2003 12:07:00 AM
 [ Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux ]
Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux... Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux... Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux... Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux... Vive le Roi! ... er... sorry. i was just ponderizing. about heroes and being heureux. you have to see that if you haven't, king of hearts, that is. along with dr. strangelove. they're so brilliantly absoid.

i've changed so much, it seems like. yet, somehow i always get that aching sensation that this year never happened. my voice is completely different, but i'm still staring, dumb-founded at some flickering lightbulb, one hand in my pocket, the other reaching up to tap futilely at the casing. it's so very hard to not just shrug, to replace the bulb or will the current one to be brilliant. it's not that "it'll just go out again," that makes it hard. it's that, for almost everything, the flickering is enough. enough to be heureux... right. so that's why i've decided to make light-bulbs that last-forever and never flicker, and flying robotic arms which will replace all of the current stinkers... and can also slap anyone who uses the phrase "how many flying robotic arms does it take to change a lightbulb?"... hrm, i'll get on that... as soon as i finish grinning at belle and sebastian. oh yeah, it's assumed that my flying robotic arms will be able to rock out. 'cause, honestly, what use is a levitating disembodied appendage if you can't hum along to it's sinister hovering?
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