infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
5/25/2004 12:44:00 AM
 [ taking things for granite ]

hrm... i definitely gotta make some new oatmeal.

there's so much wonder. i can't understand why people would want anything but that. to be close to the mystery is all i really need. when i drift away, even a little, anguish comes a'knockin. i'm too polite to kick it out. so i wander the rooms of my dusty house as it panders and patters about good and evil, chained to logic and looking for company. you can't mistake looking out the window for going outside. you just have to go. no matter how fast it follows you just run faster. infitely fast. light has nothing on me. when you aren't bound to logic you can do things that anguish can't. you must, to escape it. with adventure or invention or dreams or love, you just have to keep going... and do what you can to keep things from getting you down... the specifics are a little tough but they're waaay over-rated.
# posted by Blogger Francesca : 5/28/2004 2:38 PM
Hi! I don't know you, but I was surfing and found your website. First of all, I'd like to express that you listen to excellent music, therefore, congrats on that. Secondly, your blog is rather interesting! Mind you if I link you?

# posted by Blogger Ian : 5/31/2004 5:27 PM
Heya Francesca, Sure you can link me! ... but only because our collective musical taste rocks so much. and blogs are weird.

# posted by Blogger Francesca : 6/03/2004 3:57 PM
W00t! Question, where do you study?

# posted by Blogger Ian : 6/03/2004 11:36 PM
eep. I go to Rice now (it's in Houston). It's mellow yellow. But I went to HS in Hot-lanta!

# posted by Blogger Francesca : 6/04/2004 11:12 AM
Ahh, awesome! I was just wondering, as I'm in the ATL area and really think I will happily wind up with a joint enrollment at GA Tech and GA State (Tech for engineering, State for music)!

# posted by Blogger Ian : 6/08/2004 8:58 PM
oooh cool! both awesome. what do you play? or is it theory? you should study geology though. so when people ask your major you could just say... 'rockin' out.' *sigh* yes, i am horrible.

# posted by Blogger Francesca : 6/10/2004 10:56 PM
I sing and play a bit o' piano and guitar. Mainly, though, I would be a voice minor. I was recently informed that GA State removed its voice minor program and GA Tech initiated one... so, I'm puzzled again over what to do. Fortunately, I have some time left...

Hehe... if I were merely interested in rocks, I would study geology just so I could be able to say that... unfortunately, the only kind of rocks that are of any interest to me are space rocks. I used to be convinced I'd study astronomy...

But thanks for the suggestion!

# posted by Blogger Francesca : 6/10/2004 10:56 PM
Oh, and about the "horrible"... I can do a lot worse, guaranteed!

# posted by Blogger Ian : 6/14/2004 7:30 PM
mmm... astronomy eh? i took an astrophysics course this past semester. it's wacky-cooly stuff. but it's hard to save the world with it.

what do you wanna do now though? or is it up for grabs!?

# posted by Blogger Francesca : 6/15/2004 7:15 PM
Well, I realized that there was too high a risk that, with an astronomy career, I'd wind up sitting at a desk programming all day, so I think I decided it will keep making a lovely hobby.

It is sort of up for grabs, but I am positive that SOMEWHERE in there will continue music, for I refuse to give that up, even if I can't major in it. Right now, I'm thinking I might give Nuclear Engineering a shot, as it seems like an extremely interesting program of study... I have a gift for languages, and perhaps, that may have to be something to fall upon...

It's up for grabs. =-) (I worry and rant muchly)

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