infinite goof

shine on, you crazy diamond
9/05/2005 04:04:00 PM
[ love in the time of... ]

vague foes! Sigh, I've been sick these past few days-- unable to function at peak creativity. It's gettin' me down most down. I saw a couple movies though: Howl's Moving Castle and ET. And they both have this very subtle meaning for me, saying... reason, rationality, consciousness, being grown-up and all that is just the tip of the iceberg. People live in many ways, but you my friend have to imagine like it's what you're made of. You have to split infinitives and end in prepositions and be the exception to every rule. You have to try and try and try not to put aside who you are for what other people expect you to be. You have to tell your whole truth and nothing but your truth so help you higher-power-as-seen-by-somebody's-majority. You have to read and write and let the connotations and implications come second... at least right now. In that vein... I will now work on my short story.
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