[ More Bus Bugs ]
Yesterday morning, this... doctor... started a conversation with me on the bus. It was a little odd. He was a life-coach, and was telling me about this pamphlet he'd written - n ways to be a better something. I sorta seized up at first... But he was very articulate... walking me through the first few (several? quintral?) ways to be a better something. And I nodded and responded and he said I was easy to talk to. And I raised my right eyebrow. Then he asked me what I wanted to do. blink, blink. "I don't know." Then he asked me if I knew what a meme was. blink. "Yes." He says saying 'I don't know' is a meme, and something like 90% of people 'don't know' what they want.
So yah. Don't scoff. Don't be snide. Do not let the knot in your throat prevent! pervert! What you mean to say, per se. Natch, the hatch is open. So sink, blink blink.
I wanted to tell him, "the future is unwritten. people know what they want, it's just not usually polite conversation. everyone has dreams and goals. but they're precious, right? you can't spill them out to some random doctor-make-me-a-better-something you just met on a bus. what if they get diluted? what if they aren't so solid and tough? what if they'll fall to pieces with a single huff of puff, sneer, squint? ideally they're stronger, but it takes time, right? mostly they're just these willow whisp whisps-o-will. plus... it's waaay too cold for my dreams to come out. they need floofy jackets and mittens and, probably, some sort of tinted goggles so they look cool." But he was going on about the n+1-th way-to-be-a-better-something, and I couldn't get an edge-wise word in. Ah well. |